Reasons why you don't get job invites as expected

Reasons Why You Probably Don't Get As Much Job Invites As You Should
Overtime, I have come to see many people complain that they send applications for jobs and don't get invites. Although this could be as a result of natural causes, as honestly there are TOO MANY PEOPLE applying for TOO FEW JOBS, so sometimes not everyone would get called, especially wen the applicants gets to know abt the vacancy a little late after it has been publicized, e don finish be that..)
But with this natural causes already being a hindering factor, it pains me when I see a lot of graduates shooting themselves in the foot and making themselves "unacceptable" for the job the moment click "send" for the application. Some of the unpardonable errors include:
1) Sending out cv's without a cover letter/Application letter or subject of mail:
This is something that I have seen repeated several times. Its as though the advent of this computer age has brought a draw back as applications submitted hard copy those days came with handwritten letters. But this days, you would be suprised to see a so called "desperate" job seeker sending an application sometimes without a subject and all you see could be "PLS FIND ATTACHED FILE" or just even an attachment.. LIKE SERIOUSLY!!!?? When there are several applications coming in for the same role with cover letters that would make d recruiter want to av d individual sitting in fromt of him to discuss further?
I recently had to put out a job Ad on nairaland here and other platforms for a job role. Got series of applications (and am still getting), they were too much and I had to discard several because of these reasons..
Just a 2-paragraph body to your mail introducing yourself and stating the skill set you poSsess that matches the job role would make the person reading feel you are serious and want to open that your precious "Attachment" for more info..
2) Tailor your cv to the Job requirement:
This applies mostly to entry level/0-2yrs job applicants. Most times we seem to have rigid cv's wch we just "FORWARD" for every job applications. Though u can't twerk your work experience, but most job ad's usually have "Requirements/skills" that comes with them and you can tailor your skill set section of your cv to meet these requirement. Each firm or job opening has its unique requirements and you can tailor your cv to meet it and also lay emphasis of your suitability in your application.
3)Over- reliance on Qualification: simply put, its not what you have on your pali, but what you can offer.. Several ppl have the BSc and even MSc u are carrying. What sets u out of the pack?? What skill set do you possess. You say u av computing skills, but u fail to tell an emplyer what you can do with the various Basic microsoft app.. It doesn't work that way..
Several other reasons like unwilligness to change from comfort zone, unpreparedness and poor self development can play a part..
Note that an Invite is not a guarantee of a job, but is a foot in the door and gives u a 50-50 chance regardless of competition.. NO EMPLOYER WOULD REJECT VALUE WHEN HE SEES IT..
I hope and pray we all find a job that would be rewarding to us or CREATE ONE FOR OURSELVES.


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